søndag den 17. februar 2013

A small rant about Apple

For about 5 years now I have been back on the Apple platform, and what has happened annoys me a bit.
The overall points are:

  • Product line-up 
  • Userfriendly 
  • Shitting in the developers backyard 

Product line-up

Diversity is good and design is good. But in both cases it has to make sense. Perhaps I  am blind, but to me the Apples line-up has become bloated. They try to do to much, with a single line-up and there focus has moved from Laptops and Desktops to more well not unimportant, but in my case less userable products.
I mean seriously, no one, NO ONE. Can use an iPad for programming or application designs, nor pro photo edditing.


Mac App Store is a great idea indeed. But it will (not as it is now) become my main source for applications. Because there are almost no GPL/BSD licenses, and my favorit applications are not in the App Store.
And forceing users into using the App Store is plain old EVIL.


You satans minions. I like to throw my files in to random places and organize them just as scrambled as my own head. Stop forcing it up on me to fit into your pre decide boxes. This is not userfriendly this is plain old dictatorship without reason

Shitting in the developers backyard 

So what do I mean by this. First of all I agree XCODE is awesome, and the resources on the Apple developer portal is great. But as we went from Snow Leopard to Lion and currently Mountain Lion. It seems to me that Apple keeps setting boundaries for the developer rather than help them. why do we need to sandbox our apps? Why can't we access the GPU to make awesome games? ...