mandag den 24. november 2014

What am I working on???

As stated early this year I am now a student developer at Steinwurf, which is awesome and I am challenged every day and expanding my knowledge of RLNC, C++ and C, which interest me a lot.

But what do I do besides my work? 

NOTHING... HAHAH kidding. So what has actually happened, since last? Well not much on my personal projects I am afraid, the Terminal books has been slowly developed the reason for this is I do not has as much spare time as I am use to, and I have started spending more time on fiction writing (ooh yes). But the Terminal book is still in development and after the 19th of december it will get a lot of focus I hope. 


Has been discontinued, the reason for this is simple. The people whom use it likes it (which I am happy about), but they have realised the world must go on, and by such has adapted to use memset and so on themself. 

Fiction writing

As some know, I once would have liked to be an author instead of a computer programmer. But what few actually know is, that it is still a dream of mine, though I am bit dyslexic. Therefor I have started working on small fantasy fiction book series, about one of my favourite subjects, which is religion. 

A small teaser about the content seems in order: 
The story is based in current times, and is concerning the ancient war between good and evil. More precise the battle between heaven and hell, and how perhaps the human perspective on this war is wrong. 

More I will not tell at the moment, but I hope some will be able to enjoy it some day :) 

- Lars 

Arduino - WHY?

Okay it is rare that I rant about a product which is not Windows, but I would like to do so now.
I have just had to help a friend of mine working with a Arduino board for an exercises, and my problem is not the board itself. But rather the implementation of the C language which it utilise, what I hate is:

  • Special functions
  • Automatic include 

Special functions

But Lars how can you hate them, they are awesome, I love Serial.println? No you do not, not in two years when you have to code proper C, you will hate it and you will hate it good. These special functions, which comes as implementations of standard C library functions are just plain stupid, let the student use printf and so on, and get to know special things such as '\n'. It is not fair towards the students, to teach them to be lazy and not understand the programming language properly. 

Automatic include

TO THE CREATE OF THE ARDUINO C LANGUAGE: May you burn in what ever hell you believe in, for this monstrosity. 

But Lars it just makes C so much more accessible, if that is your opinion fine. But for the future generation of programmers, I hope you never will be a teacher. It is even worse than special functions. Auto include of libraries such as stdlib og stdio, is madness I started learning Java that way, and I have always cursed my teacher for that. You hide a very important thing of programming away from your students WHY, give me one good reason and to make it easy is not one. Later on when they have to learn proper coding, they would think well this is stupid. Instead of cherish the fact, that they have more or almost absolute control of what is actually in the application they build and ship. 

Of course the functions for setting pins high and so on is okay, but in extension of the above written, show the students that they need a library to do this. 


My initial thoughts of the Arduino platform is; that it is a fun and engaging way to teach your students how to program. But this is totally overshadowed by the two subjects mentioned above, if those are removed from the Arduino it would be a fantastic tool. Until then however, I can not recommend it to newcomers in programming. 

Sorry Arduino people :( 

- Lars 

onsdag den 13. august 2014

Stop the madness

Pretty much every one who knows me, know I am agnostic atheist and that I respect people of other religions and believe systems.

But enough is enough. I have over the last couple of weeks followed the "work" of ISIS, and their mental perspective on the world. I have seen Islam used as a way to destroy, the life of humans and small communities. Yet if you read the core part of the Qur'an, it focus on peace and co-existence it is only newer parts which focus on this mental Muslim only world. And it is not only the followers of Islam that fuck up the world, Christians as well I have friends from extreme Christian communities, who have either been dishonoured, beaten and threatened on their lives. Because they do not follow a doctrine.
This is insane that we use text written by man to determine what a god, that may or may not exists, means or have said to people. The bible is assembled by election for, well yes, god sake. People (I believe males only) choose which parts should be in and which should not.

It is pure insanity that we follow ancient doctrines in a modern world. I don't try to make all atheist or agnostic, nor do I aim to make them leave their religion. What I want people to do is to start using the damn brain and question ancient authority with basis in a books, where of some is over 400 years old and over 4 different version of each. We modernize our legal system check the laws do they still make sense, we never do it with religious texts.
Also a complete separation of religion and government, why let people basing the laws on 400 year old text control you, and even worse why even let them control people that way, if they don't believe in the same things?

All I ask for is that we start using our brains.

Please understand that I do not try to offend anyone, besides extremist psychos, I try to make people think and consider their perspective on religion.

- Lars  

søndag den 27. juli 2014

Small personal status and project status

Hello I am still studying at the University of Aalborg and starting at third semester in September.
Besides that I am now a student programmer / developer at Steinwurf.
I am primarily working with packaging of software for linux distributions such as RHEL, OpenSUSE and Debian, development in bash, python, java, C and C++.

check last blog post, I am really looking for testers

Introduktion til Terminal:
The books is an almost done but is still split in to a lot of smalls parts. So I am currently working on assembling all the small parts and so the book should be ready to proof reading

I am working on getting my website back online - BUT I need to find someone whom offers cheap RoR 3.0 and Postgresql hosting

So that is my small personal and project update

- Lars  

Small status on dynstr - Looking for testers

As state in my previous blog post. Dynstr is part of some volunteering work I have been doing. But I have spend some time on it, making it neater, cleaner and faster.
But I am looking for testers, so please either downloaded directly from github:
or add me to your package repo:

Please give me some feedback or things you would like to see

fredag den 9. maj 2014

dynstr and Introduction to Terminal

Hello I would like to share a bit of information about a couple of projects I am working on.

Dynstr - a dynamic string/char* library for C

Do to some volunteer work I have been doing on the side. I came in the need of dynamically being able to manipulate strings/char* in the C programming language.
This project I have decide to make public, and I will be working on it for at least 3 months, it is under GPL and free to use:

Introduction to Terminal

I was asked to make a basic introduction guide to the Terminal application for UNIX/Linux systems.
I have had to restart for a while do to problems with some local repos. 
But now I am up to speed and my first chapter is almost done